API HTTP Status and Error Codes

When the Hours of Service platform encounters an error, it returns an error message along with a code. Here is the list of API error codes and the conditions that might have triggered these errors. 


Current account is not a reseller. 500 8000 POST error because the current account is not a reseller account.
A user with the given email address already exists 500 3100 POST error because the administrative user’s email address is already used by another user
The new account to insert should not have an id. 500 1000 POST error because the account must have a name
The new account to insert should not have an account token. 500 1000 POST error because the account must not have an account token
The new account name must not be blank. 500 7000 POST error because the account name must not be blank
Access Denied. User is not authorized for this request. 403 8000 POST and PUT methods require permission of PERM_IS_ACCOUNT_ADMIN or higher
Account already exists with this name. 500 1001 POST or PUT error because account name is already used by another account.
A <domain.name> domain name already exists 500 1004 POST or PUT error because domain name is already used by another account.
<domain.name> is not a valid domain. 500 1000 POST or PUT error because domain name is not a valid domain name.
One resellable product is required. 500 1005 POST or PUT error because account must have one resellable product
Only one resellable product is required. 500 6000 POST or PUT error because account is limited to only one resellable product
Only one product module allowed per account 500 6000 POST or PUT error because account is limited to one product module
<module> is NOT resellable by the parent account 500 1300 POST or PUT error because module cannot be resold by the parent account
User does not have permission to edit or delete this account 403 8000 PUT or DELETE error because user cannot delete the specified account
User does not have DELETE role 403 8000 DELETE error because user role does not allow it to delete an account
DELETE on own account is not allowed 403 8000 DELETE error because own account cannot be deleted
<METHOD> is not supported. 500 12000 POST, PUT and DELETE methods are not allowed for /meta/tree



Entities should not contain an Id when creating. 500 11000 POST error because request must not contain an id 
Terminal should have a name. 500 7000 POST error because the terminal must have a name
Terminal should have a value for Start Time of Day. 500 7000 POST error because the terminal must have a Start Time of Day
Unable to save record 500 500 POST or PUT error because required fields are missing or incorrect
Access Denied. User is not authorized for this request.
POST and PUT methods require permission of PERM_IS_ACCOUNT_ADMIN and PERM_EDIT_TERMINALS
DELETE method require permission of PERM_EDIT_TERMINALS
Unable to save the Terminal. Name already in use. 500 1001 POST or PUT error because the terminal name is already used by another terminal.
Unable to save the Terminal. Terminal Code already in use. 500 1001 POST or PUT error because the terminal code is already used by another terminal.
Cannot find requested entity. (id = <id>) 500 3000 PUT or DELETE error because the supplied id does not exist
Main Office Terminal cannot be deleted 500 11000 DELETE error because a terminal that is set as main office cannot be deleted
Error while handling request 500 500 Generic error message. Something is wrong with the request



Entities should not contain an Id when creating. 500 11000 POST error because request must not contain an id 
Equipment with name <name> already exists 500 1001 POST error because equipment name is already used by an equipment in the system.
You are not allowed to create an equipment and assign a visibility set you do not have access to. 403 8000 POST error because request contains a visibility set that the PERM_IS_ASSETADMIN user does not have access to.
Equipment should have an asset type. 500 7000 POST and PUT methods require the asset type of ‘Vehicle’ or ‘Trailer’
Trailer name cannot be more than 10 characters. 500 1005 POST or PUT error because name of trailer exceeds 10 characters.
Trailer name can only contain alphanumeric characters, no spaces. 500 1005 POST or PUT error because name of trailer contains invalid characters.
A visibility set was not found with the given name or id. 500 17000 POST or PUT error because the equipment contained a non-existent visbility set
Asset named <name> already exists. 500 2000 PUT error because equipment name is already used by an equipment in the system.
You are not allowed to remove an equipment from a visibility set you do not have access to. 403 8000 PUT error because request attempted to remove a visibility set that the PERM_IS_ASSETADMIN user does not have access to.
You are not allowed to update an equipment from a visibility set you do not have access to. 403 8000 PUT error because request attempted to add a visibility set that the PERM_IS_ASSETADMIN user does not have access to.
Cannot modify a deleted entity. 500 11000 PUT error because a soft-deleted record cannot be updated.
Access Denied. User is not allowed to delete this record. 403 8000 DELETE error because driver is not allowed to delete the equipment
Entity is already deleted. 500 11000 DELETE error because a soft-deleted record cannot be deleted again.
Access Denied. User is not authorized for this request. 403 8000 POST, PUT and DELETE methods require permission of PERM_EDIT_EQUIPMENT
Error while handling request 500 500 Generic error message. Something is wrong with the request



The new user to insert should not have an id. 500 1000 POST error because request must not contain an id 
A user with the given email address already exists. 500 3100 POST error because the email address is already used by another user
An email address is required. 500 1000 POST or PUT error because user does not have an email address
<email> is not a valid email address. 500 1000 POST or PUT error because user does not have a valid email address
User does not have sufficient privelege to set isVerified 403 8000 POST or PUT error because setting isVerified requires permission PERM_IS_USER_ADMIN or higher
Can only create users in your account or your sub accounts. 500 500 POST or PUT error because user is not allowed to create or edit users on other accounts 
A user must have at least one visibility set. 500 11000 POST or PUT error because user does not have a visibility set
A visibility set was not found with the given name or id. 500 3000 POST or PUT error because the user contained a non-existent visbility set
User cannot assign user role: <user role name> 500 20000 POST or PUT error because the current user is not allowed to create or update a user with the given user role.
UserRole of id <id> does not exist. 500 3000 POST or PUT error because id was not found in the account
Users cannot modify their own user roles 500 20000 PUT error bceause user cannot modify his own user roles
Id cannot be 0 for updates. 500 4000 PUT error because request requires id
A user with the given id was not found 500 4000 PUT error because user id does not exist
Cannot update system user. 500 1001 PUT error because editing the Unidentified Driver is not allowed
Cannot delete system user. 500 1001 DELETE error because deleting the Unidentified driver is not allowed
Users cannot delete themselves 500 20000 DELETE error because user is not allowed to delete himself



Entities should not contain an Id when creating. 500 11000 POST error because request must not contain an id 
Driver with email <email> already exists 500 1001 POST error because of email address is already used by a user in the system.
No password set for this driver 500 7000 POST error because there is no password in the request
CDL Number is already associated with another driver. 500 1004 POST or PUT error because CDL number is already used by a user in the system.
A ROLE_DRIVER must have a HOS_CDL_NUMBER 500 1005 POST or PUT error because there is no cdlIssuingNumber in the request.
A ROLE_DRIVER must have a HOS_CDL_ISSUING_STATE 500 1005 POST or PUT error because there is no cdlIssuingState in the request.
Unable to save record 500 500 POST or PUT error because required fields are missing or incorrect
Driver with ID <id> does not exist. 500 4000 PUT error because id doesn’t exist in the account.
Cannot edit system user 500 1001 PUT method is not allowed for the Unidentified Driver
Cannot delete system user 500 1001 DELETE method is not allowed on the Unidentified Driver 
Access Denied. User is not authorized for this request. 403 8000 POST, PUT and DELETE methods require permission of PERM_EDIT_DRIVERS
Error while handling request 500 500 Generic error message. Something is wrong with the request