DVIR Report Send Email

DVIR Report Send Email is used to send the DVIR Report(s) to a specific email address. The API accepts a plain HTTP request with parameters specifying which PDF(s) to be retrieved from the server, or a multipart request with parameters and the PDF(s) to be sent to the email address specified. All parameters are required in order to construct the email subject and body.

Send by HTTP request

API PATH: /api/v2/dvirReportSendEmail
PARAMETERS: user-id – Retrieves the DVIR Report of the User specified
 Retrieves the DVIR Report from the server based on the DVIR timestamp specified
dvir-type  Retrieves the DVIR Report from the server based on the DVIR type specified
email-address  Specifies the email address to which the DVIR Report PDF(s) will be sent
QUERY STRING EXAMPLES: Retrieves and sends the specified User’s DVIR Report to the specified email address: dvirReportSendEmail?user-id=1322500&email-address=useradmin@mail.com&dvir-timestamp=2018-01-11T04%3A33%3A13.725Z&dvir-type=pre-trip
DVIR Report was emailed successfully

Send by multipart HTTP request

API PATH: /api/v2/dvirReportSendEmail
PARAMETERS user-id – Retrieves the DVIR Report of the User specified
dvir-timestamp –
 Retrieves the DVIR Report from the server based on the DVIR timestamp specified
dvir-type  Retrieves the DVIR Report from the server based on the DVIR type specified
email-address  Specifies the email address to which the DVIR Report PDF(s) will be sent
QUERY STRING EXAMPLES: Reads from the multipart request and sends the PDF file to the specified email address: dvirReportSendEmail?user-id=1322500&email-address=useradmin@mail.com&dvir-timestamp=2018-01-11T04%3A33%3A13.725Z&dvir-type=pre-trip

To send a DVIR Report through a multipart request, it must have a PDF file. The PDF must have a name of “file”.


Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=-------------------------acebdf13572468
User-Agent: Fiddler
Authorization: Basic [base64_Credentials]
Host: eld.azuga.com


 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="DVIRReport.pdf"
 Content-Type: application/pdf

 <@INCLUDE *C:\Users\User\Desktop\DVIRReport.pdf*@>
DVIR Report was emailed successfully