The driverStatus provides real-time information from the most recent communication between the Drivers’ mobile device and Hours of Service system. This information is typically sent once per three minutes but can be sent more or less frequently as determined by the Carrier. It is used to update the Driver’s position on a map, to show his current duty Status (OnDutyND, Driving, Sleeper, OffDuty), to pass the Driver’s available time (time remaining) until he has to take a break, in his shift, his daily driving time, and time left in his cycle. This information is then displayed on the portal in the Driver’s tab.
Tag | Data Type | Required | Description |
accountId | Long | No | The id of the Account that owns this record. |
assetId | Long | Yes | The id of the Vehicle that the Driver used to perform the last Status change. |
availableBreak | Text | No | Indicates the remaining time until the driver has to take a 30-minute break. Note: Must be in seconds Duration format (PT##S). Where ## is the number of seconds (see examples) |
availableCycle | Text | No | Indicates the remaining time until the driver has to take a Cycle Reset. Note: Must be in seconds Duration format (PT##S). Where ## is the number of seconds (see examples) |
availableDrive | Text | No | Indicates the remaining time until the driver has to take a stop driving. Note: Must be in seconds Duration format (PT##S). Where ## is the number of seconds (see examples) |
availableShift | Text | No | Indicates the remaining time until the driver has to take a Shift Reset. Note: Must be in seconds Duration format (PT##S). Where ## is the number of seconds (see examples) |
engineHours | Text | No | Indicates the number of hours that the engine of the associated vehicle has been running. Note: Must be in seconds Duration format (PT##S). Where ## is the number of seconds (see examples) |
errorCode | Integer | Auto | Returns an error code in the response JSON for a failing Driver Status update |
errorMessage | String | Auto | Returns an error message in the response JSON for a failing Driver Status update |
eventTime | Text | Indicates the date and time when the last change in status occurred. Note: Format is in timestamp and timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ, e.g: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) |
eventType | Character (255) | Yes |
Indicates the last known Status of the associated Driver. Event Type can be:
fuelLevel | Double (between 0.0 and 100.0) | No | Indicates the fuel level percentage during the last known Status of the associated Driver |
gainTimeHowMuch | Text | No | Indicates the amount of time the associated User will gain. Note: Must be in seconds Duration format (PT##S). Where ## is the number of seconds (see examples) |
gainTimeHowMuchNextDay | Text | No | Indicates the amount of time the associated User will gain for the next day. Note: Must be in seconds Duration format (PT##S). Where ## is the number of seconds (see examples) |
gainTimeWhen | Text | No | Indicates when the associated User will gain time. Note: Format is in timestamp and timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ, e.g: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) |
gainTimeWhich | Character (255) | No | Indicates the type of time that the associated User will gain |
gpsSource | Character (255) | No | The GPS source of the Driver during this status. Can be any of the following values:
heading | Integer (between 0 and 360) | No | Indicates the heading in degrees during the last known Status of the associated Driver |
id | Auto-incremented Long | Auto | Unique identifier |
lastChangedDate | Text | Auto | Auto-generated timestamp of the last change made to this record Note: Format is in timestamp and timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ, e.g: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) |
latitude | Double Precision | No | Indicates the latitude coordinate of the location where the Driver was last tracked. |
location | Character (255) | No | Contains the address of the location where the Driver was last tracked. |
longitude | Double Precision | No | Indicates the longitude coordinate of the location where the Driver was last tracked. |
mobileOSVersion | Character (255) | No | Information for the OS version of the device used to record the last Status of the Driver. |
name | Character (255) | No | The name of the Driver. |
nextViolation | Character (255) | No | The next Violation the Driver will be getting if the Driver is currently driving, otherwise this is not returned. |
nextViolationTimestamp | Text | No | Information for the time remaining until the next Violation if the driver is currently driving, otherwise this is not returned. |
odometerKm | Double Precision | No | The Odometer of the Vehicle during the last Status of the Driver |
softwareVersion | Character (255) | No | Information for App version used to record the last Status of the Driver. |
speedKph | Double Precision | No | The speed of the Vehicle during the last Status of the Driver. |
subsetId | Long | Auto | Indicates the Subset of the Terminal where the Driver is assigned |
terminalId | Long | Auto | Id of the Terminal where the Driver is assigned |
uncertifiedLogs | Integer | No | The number of uncertified Driver Daily logs the User has during his/her latest Driver Status. This is only returned on GET. |
userId | Long | No | The id of the Driver that is tied to this status. |
vbusConnected | Boolean | No | Indicates whether or not the Vehicle was connected to the VBUS device when the event occurred. |
vehiclePowerOn | Boolean | No | Indicates whether or not the Vehicle was powered on when the event occurred |
API PATH: | /api/v2/driverStatuses |
PARAMETERS: | user-id – Retrieves matching records for a specific User (e.g. user-id=496650, current User by default) asset-id – Retrieves matching records for a specific asset (e.g. asset-id=1321545, current asset by default) – Retrieves matching records for a specific asset name (e.g. 1, all Vehicles by default) terminal-id – Retrieves matching records of Drivers assigned to the specified Terminal (e.g. terminal-id=255, all Terminals by default) subset-id – Retrieves matching records whose subsetId of the Driver matches the specified parameter (e.g. subset-id=940, returns drivers from all subsets by default) active – Retrieves matching records depending on the boolean value specified. (e.g. active=true) If true, only statuses of active Drivers are retrieved. If false, only statuses of inactive Drivers are retrieved. If parameter is not included or null, Driver Statuses of all Drivers are retrieved. system – Retrieves matching records based on Driver type, depending on the boolean value specified. (e.g. system=true, false by default) If true, only the unidentifiedDriver’s Status is retrieved. If false, only actual Drivers’ Statuses are retrieved. Wild-carding using system=* or system=true,false will retrieve all Driver Statuses offset – Retrieves matching records after an offset value (e.g. offset=2) limit – Retrieves a number of records per page specified by the value (e.g. limit=10) |
sort=id – Sort records by their id field in ascending order (DEFAULT) |
QUERY STRING EXAMPLES: | Get the Driver Status with the specified id: api/v2/driverStatuses/2699 Get all Driver Statuses for the multiple authenticated Users : ?user-id=1250941,1250887 Get all Driver Statuses for the authenticated User with a specific Asset : ?user-id=1250941&asset-id=1321334 Get two Driver Statuses of the current Account with an offset of 1 : ?offset=1&limit=2 Get all Driver Statuses of the current Account sorted by event type alphabetically: ?sort=event-type |
[ { "assetId": 1328277, "availableCycle": "PT251053S", "availableDrive": "PT39133S", "availableShift": "PT49393S", "eventTime": "2018-06-11T01:50:00.000Z", "eventType": "Driving", "fuelLevel": 50.0, "gainTimeHowMuch": "PT39600S", "gainTimeHowMuchNextDay": "PT39600S", "gainTimeWhen": "2018-06-11T11:50:46.146Z", "gainTimeWhich": "Shift Reset", "gpsSource": "VBUS_DEVICE", "heading" 100, "availableBreak": "PT27793S", "latitude": 41.979829, "location": "2mi NW Schiller Park, IL", "longitude": -87.898291, "mobileOSVersion": "5.1.1", "name": "John Doe", "nextViolation": "Driving Hours Before 30 Minute Break", "nextViolationTimestamp": "2018-06-11T09:34:00.000Z", "odometerKm": 10.0, "softwareVersion": "1.0.1623.6194", "speedKph": 138.166, "terminalId": 110, "subsetId": 940, "uncertifiedLogs": 4, "userId": 1253147, "vbusConnected": false, "vehiclePowerOn": true, "engineHours": "PT5400S", "accountId": 1248653, "id": 2699, "lastChangedDate": "2018-06-11T01:46:56.864Z" } ] |
API PATH: | /api/v2/driverStatuses |
[ { "assetId": 1328277, "availableCycle": "PT251053S", "availableDrive": "PT39133S", "availableShift": "PT49393S", "eventTime": "2018-06-11T01:50:00.000Z", "eventType": "Driving", "fuelLevel": 50.0, "gainTimeHowMuch": "PT39600S", "gainTimeHowMuchNextDay": "PT39600S", "gainTimeWhen": "2018-06-11T11:50:46.146Z", "gainTimeWhich": "Shift Reset", "gpsSource": "VBUS_DEVICE", "heading" 100, "availableBreak": "PT27793S", "latitude": 41.979829, "location": "2mi NW Schiller Park, IL", "longitude": -87.898291, "mobileOSVersion": "5.1.1", "name": "John Doe", "nextViolation": "Driving Hours Before 30 Minute Break", "nextViolationTimestamp": "2018-06-11T09:34:00.000Z", "odometerKm": 10.0, "softwareVersion": "1.0.1623.6194", "speedKph": 138.166, "userId": 1253147, "vbusConnected": false, "vehiclePowerOn": true, "engineHours": "PT5400S" } ] |
[ { "assetId": 1328277, "availableCycle": "PT251053S", "availableDrive": "PT39133S", "availableShift": "PT49393S", "eventTime": "2018-06-11T01:50:00.000Z", "eventType": "Driving", "fuelLevel": 50.0, "gainTimeHowMuch": "PT39600S", "gainTimeHowMuchNextDay": "PT39600S", "gainTimeWhen": "2018-06-11T11:50:46.146Z", "gainTimeWhich": "Shift Reset", "gpsSource": "VBUS_DEVICE", "heading" 100, "availableBreak": "PT27793S", "latitude": 41.979829, "location": "2mi NW Schiller Park, IL", "longitude": -87.898291, "mobileOSVersion": "5.1.1", "name": "John Doe", "nextViolation": "Driving Hours Before 30 Minute Break", "nextViolationTimestamp": "2018-06-11T09:34:00.000Z", "odometerKm": 10.0, "softwareVersion": "1.0.1623.6194", "speedKph": 138.166, "terminalId": 110, "subsetId": 940, "uncertifiedLogs": 4, "userId": 1253147, "vbusConnected": false, "vehiclePowerOn": true, "engineHours": "PT5400S", "accountId": 1248653, "id": 2699, "lastChangedDate": "2018-06-11T01:46:56.864Z" } ] |
API PATH: | /api/v2/driverStatuses |
[ { "assetId": 1328277, "availableCycle": "PT251053S", "availableDrive": "PT39133S", "availableShift": "PT49393S", "eventTime": "2018-06-11T01:50:00.000Z", "eventType": "Driving", "fuelLevel": 50.0, "gainTimeHowMuch": "PT39600S", "gainTimeHowMuchNextDay": "PT39600S", "gainTimeWhen": "2018-06-11T11:50:46.146Z", "gainTimeWhich": "Shift Reset", "gpsSource": "VBUS_DEVICE", "heading" 100, "availableBreak": "PT27793S", "latitude": 41.979829, "location": "2mi NW Schiller Park, IL", "longitude": -87.898291, "mobileOSVersion": "5.1.1", "name": "John Doe", "nextViolation": "Driving Hours Before 30 Minute Break", "nextViolationTimestamp": "2018-06-11T09:34:00.000Z", "odometerKm": 10.0, "softwareVersion": "1.0.1623.6194", "speedKph": 138.166, "userId": 1253147, "vbusConnected": false, "vehiclePowerOn": true, "engineHours": "PT5400S", "id": 2699 } ] |
[ { "assetId": 1328277, "availableCycle": "PT251053S", "availableDrive": "PT39133S", "availableShift": "PT49393S", "eventTime": "2018-06-11T01:50:00.000Z", "eventType": "Driving", "fuelLevel": 50.0, "gainTimeHowMuch": "PT39600S", "gainTimeHowMuchNextDay": "PT39600S", "gainTimeWhen": "2018-06-11T11:50:46.146Z", "gainTimeWhich": "Shift Reset", "gpsSource": "VBUS_DEVICE", "heading" 100, "availableBreak": "PT27793S", "latitude": 41.979829, "location": "2mi NW Schiller Park, IL", "longitude": -87.898291, "mobileOSVersion": "5.1.1", "name": "John Doe", "nextViolation": "Driving Hours Before 30 Minute Break", "nextViolationTimestamp": "2018-06-11T09:34:00.000Z", "odometerKm": 10.0, "softwareVersion": "1.0.1623.6194", "speedKph": 138.166, "terminalId": 110, "subsetId": 940, "uncertifiedLogs": 4, "userId": 1253147, "vbusConnected": false, "vehiclePowerOn": true, "engineHours": "PT5400S", "accountId": 1248653, "id": 2699, "lastChangedDate": "2018-06-11T01:46:56.864Z" } ] |
Driver Status Archives
API PATH: | /api/v2/driverStatuses/archive |
PARAMETERS: | user-id – Retrieves matching records for a specific User (e.g. user-id=496650, current User by default) asset-id – Retrieves matching records for a specific asset (e.g. asset-id=1321545, current asset by default) – Retrieves matching records for a specific asset name (e.g. 1, all Vehicles by default) terminal-id – Retrieves matching records of Drivers assigned to the specified Terminal (e.g. terminal-id=255, all Terminals by default) subset-id – Retrieves matching records whose subsetId of the Driver matches the specified parameter (e.g. subset-id=940, returns drivers from all subsets by default) active – Retrieves matching records depending on the boolean value specified. (e.g. active=true) If true, only statuses of active Drivers are retrieved. If false, only statuses of inactive Drivers are retrieved. If parameter is not included or null, Driver Statuses of all Drivers are retrieved. system – Retrieves matching records based on Driver type, depending on the boolean value specified. (e.g. system=true, false by default) If true, only the unidentifiedDriver’s Status is retrieved. If false, only actual Drivers’ Statuses are retrieved. Wild-carding using system=* or system=true,false will retrieve all Driver Statuses offset – Retrieves matching records after an offset value (e.g. offset=2) limit – Retrieves a number of records per page specified by the value (e.g. limit=10) from-event-time – Retrieves matching records that occurred on or after the specified date (e.g. from-event-time=2016-07-05T03:03:10.147Z, all dates by default) to-event-time – Retrieves matching records that occurred on or before the specified date (e.g. to-event-time=2016-07-05T03:03:10.147Z, all dates by default) |
[ { "assetId": 1312920, "availableCycle": "PT-242592S", "availableDrive": "PT-487392S", "availableShift": "PT-472992S", "eventTime": "2018-06-22T00:33:54.656Z", "eventType": "Driving", "fuelLevel": 0, "gainTimeHowMuch": "PT-242592S", "gainTimeHowMuchNextDay": "PT-242592S", "gainTimeWhen": "2018-06-28T13:57:06.904Z", "gainTimeWhich": "Shift Reset", "gpsSource": "MOBILE_DEVICE", "heading": 0, "latitude": -33.8688183333333, "location": "10878mi WNW St. John's, NL", "longitude": 151.209295, "mobileOSVersion": "4.4.4", "name": "Ian Support", "odometerKm": 0, "softwareVersion": "1.0.1805.14593", "speedKph": 0, "terminalId": 1419, "uncertifiedLogs": 210, "userId": 1346433, "vbusConnected": false, "vehiclePowerOn": false, "engineHours": "PT5400S", "accountId": 40, "id": 274178985, "lastChangedDate": "2018-06-28T03:57:10.660Z", "speedKm": 0 } ] |
API PATH: | /api/v2/stats/driverStatuses |
PARAMETERS: | user-id – counts records for the specified Users asset-id – counts records for a specified Asset terminal-id – counts records for Drivers assigned to the specified Terminal active – counts records depending on active or inactive Drivers |
{ "Event Type Totals": { "Drving": 2 "OnDuty": 1, "OffDuty": 3, "Sleeper": 1 } } |
API error calls
POST is not supported. | POST method is not allowed for /stats |
Driver Status should have an assetId | POST error because Driver Status doesn’t have a value for assetId |
PUT is not supported. | PUT method is not allowed for /stats |
DELETE is not supported. | DELETE method is not allowed for Driver Status and /stats |