It is expected that the motor carrier will maintain the master driver’s file and update the Hours of Service system with changes occur. The updates occur using the Drivers endpoint. The updates made on the Drivers endpoint will also reflect on the similar fields that can be found on the Users endpoint, vice versa. Also, any update to the Drivers endpoint will automatically propagate to all of the mobile devices using Android’s syncing process. The Drivers API also provides a meta endpoint that executes faster since it has a smaller projection (only returns specific fields) than the normal GET method.
The Driver record contains the Driver’s personal information, Terminal, Region. his CDL information and his Driving Cycle and privileges. The Drivers API is actually based on the Users API, but with User Preferences returned alongside it.
Tag | Data Type | Required | Description |
active | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is currently active or not |
alias | Character (255) | No | An optional identifier for the Driver within an Account. This is not shown if the value is null. |
authorizedTerminalIds | Array | No | A list of ids of the Terminals that the Driver can manage. If the Driver does not have the Permission PERM_VIEW_ALL_TERMINALS then the Terminals API will only return information for these Terminals. |
aobrdSpeedThresholdEnabled | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver’s AOBRD Speed Threshold is enabled in the app. |
canAddTrailer | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to add Assets of type Trailer in the app. |
canAddVehicle | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to add Assets of type Vehicle in the app. |
canDeleteTrailer | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to delete Assets of type Trailer in the app. |
canDeleteVehicle | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to delete Assets of type Vehicle in the app. |
canEditTrailer | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to edit Assets of type Trailer in the app. |
canEditVehicle | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to edit Assets of type Vehicle in the app. |
cargo | Text | No |
Type of Cargo carried. Can either be:
cargoChangeAllowed | Boolean | No |
Indicates if the Driver is allowed to change cargo in the app. |
carrierId | Long | No |
The id of the Carrier this driver belongs to. |
cdlIssuingState | Text | Yes |
Commercial Driver’s License Issuing State. Can either be one of the following state codes:
cdlNumber | Text | Yes | Commercial Driver’s License Number (1-20 alphanumeric characters) |
cycleChangeAllowed | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to change cycle in the app. |
cycleCa | Text | Yes |
This indicates the type of Canada driving cycle associated with the record when Canada is region is selected. This can either be one of the following:
cycleUsa | Text | Yes
This indicates the type of USA driving cycle associated with the record when USA region is selected. Can either be one of the following:
cycleMex | Text | Yes |
deactivatedDate | Text | No | Timestamp when the Driver was deactivated. This field is not shown for active Drivers. Note: Format is in timestamp and timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ, e.g: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) |
driverEditingEnabled | Boolean | No | Defaults to true. All Drivers are allowed to edit their logs. |
driverPortalClockAllowed | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is allowed to Clock In/Clock Out from the app |
Character (254) | Yes | Email address that uniquely identifies Driver within the system | |
enabledFeatures | Array | Yes | Indicates the features enabled for this Driver. Can contain any of the following as long as the Account also has them enabled:
exemptAnnotation | Text | No | Annotation if the Driver is an exempt Driver |
exemptDriver | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is an exempt Driver or not |
firstName | Character (255) | No | First Name of the Driver |
homeTerminalId | Long | No | Id of the Terminal where the Driver is assigned |
id | Auto-incremented Long | Auto | Unique identifier for the Driver |
isAssetAdmin | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver has an Asset Admin role or not. |
lastChangedDate | Text | Auto | Auto-generated timestamp of the last change made to this record Note: Format is in timestamp and timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ, e.g: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) |
lastName | Character (255) | No | Last Name of the Driver |
manageEquipment | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver can manage Equipment. Cannot be used in POST and PUT, only in GET. |
offSbPairingMode | Character (255) | No | Indicates the Sleeper Berth Pairing Mode for the Driver |
password | Character (255) | Yes | Initial password for Driver |
pcMaxDistanceUSA | Integer | No | Indicates the maximum distance of USA Personal Conveyance for the Driver |
recipient | Text | No | To whom the reports of the Driver will be emailed |
region | Text | Yes |
Information for the region of the Driver. Can either be “USA“ or “Canada“ |
showPersonalConveyance | Boolean | Yes | Indicates if the Driver is allowed Personal Conveyance or not |
showYardMoves | Boolean | Yes | Indicates if the Driver is allowed Yard Moves or not |
startTimeOfDay | Text | Yes | Information for the Start Time of Day of the Driver. Note: Format must be in (HH:MM:SS) |
subsetId | Long | No | Indicates the Subset of the Terminal where the Driver is assigned |
suffix | Character (25) | No | Suffix for the Driver’s name |
system | Boolean | No | Indicates if the Driver is of type system (unidentified driver) or is an authenticated Driver. |
API PATH: | /api/v2/drivers |
alias – Retrieves matching records with the specified alias (e.g. alias=Driver-01) |
sort=id – Sort records by their id field in ascending order (DEFAULT) |
QUERY STRING EXAMPLE: | Get the Driver with the specified id: api/v2/drivers/1252160 Get all Drivers with a firstName value of “John” : ?first-name=John Get two Drivers of the current Account with an offset of 1 : ?offset=1&limit=2 Get all Drivers of the current Account sorted by email addresses alphabetically: ?sort=email |
[ { "active": true, "alias": "Driver-01", "cargo": "PROPERTY", "carrierId": 1, "cdlIssuingState": "AR", "cdlNumber": "CDL12345", "cycleCa": "Can70hr7daysSouth", "cycleUsa": "US70hr8days", "cycleMex": "Mexico", "email": "", "exemptAnnotation": null, "exemptDriver": false, "firstName": "John", "homeTerminalId": 110, "subsetId": 111, "isAssetAdmin": true, "lastName": "Doe", "manageEquipment": true, "recipient": "", "region": "USA", "showPersonalConveyance": true, "showYardMoves": true, "startTimeOfDay": "00:00:00.000", "subsetId": 940, "suffix": "Jr.", "system":false, "canAddVehicle": true, "canEditVehicle": true, "canDeleteVehicle": false, "canAddTrailer": true, "canEditTrailer": true, "canDeleteTrailer": false, "aobrdSpeedThresholdEnabled": false, "cycleChangeAllowed": true, "carrierId": 1, "driverEditingEnabled": true, "enabledFeatures": [ "ELD", "DVIR" ], "offSbPairingMode": "PAIRING_DISABLED", "cargoChangeAllowed": false, "pcMaxDistanceUSA": 0, "driverPortalClockAllowed": false, "id": 1252160, "lastChangedDate": "2018-06-11T12:00:00.000Z" } ] |
Read (smaller projection, using GET method)
API PATH: | /api/v2/drivers/meta/names |
search, name, active, system, offset, limit |
AVAILABLE SORTING | id, -id, email, -email,, |
[ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "suffix": "Jr.", "email": "", "homeTerminalId": 110, "subsetId": 940, "region": "USA", "cycleUsa": "US70hr8days", "cycleCa": "Can70hr7daysSouth", "cycleMex": "Mexico", "active": true, "alias": "Driver-01", "id": 1252160 } ] |
Read (smaller projection, using POST method)
API PATH: | /api/v2/drivers/meta/names |
METHOD: | POST (content-type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded) |
search, name, active, system, offset, limit |
AVAILABLE SORTING | id, -id, email, -email,, |
{"ids": "1252160+1252161"} |
[ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "suffix": "Jr.", "email": "", "homeTerminalId": 110, "subsetId": 940, "region": "USA", "cycleUsa": "US70hr8days", "cycleCa": "Can70hr7daysSouth", "cycleMex": "Mexico", "active": true, "alias": "Driver-01", "id": 1252160 } ] |
API PATH: | /api/v2/drivers |
[ { "active": true, "alias": "Driver-01", "cargo": "PROPERTY", "carrierId": 1, "cdlIssuingState": "AR", "cdlNumber": "CDL12345", "cycleCa": "Can70hr7daysSouth", "cycleUsa": "US70hr8days", "cycleMex": "Mexico", "email": "", "exemptAnnotation": null, "exemptDriver": false, "firstName": "John", "homeTerminalId": 110, "subsetId": 111, "isAssetAdmin": true, "lastName": "Doe", "manageEquipment": true, "recipient": "", "region": "USA", "showPersonalConveyance": true, "showYardMoves": true, "startTimeOfDay": "00:00:00.000", "subsetId": 940, "suffix": "Jr.", "system":false, "canAddVehicle": true, "canEditVehicle": true, "canDeleteVehicle": false, "canAddTrailer": true, "canEditTrailer": true, "canDeleteTrailer": false, "enabledFeatures": [ "ELD", "DVIR" ] } ] |
[ { "active": true, "alias": "Driver-01", "cargo": "PROPERTY", "carrierId": 1, "cdlIssuingState": "AR", "cdlNumber": "CDL12345", "cycleCa": "Can70hr7daysSouth", "cycleUsa": "US70hr8days", "cycleMex": "Mexico", "email": "", "exemptAnnotation": null, "exemptDriver": false, "firstName": "John", "homeTerminalId": 110, "subsetId": 111, "isAssetAdmin": true, "lastName": "Doe", "manageEquipment": true, "recipient": "", "region": "USA", "showPersonalConveyance": true, "showYardMoves": true, "startTimeOfDay": "00:00:00.000", "subsetId": 940, "suffix": "Jr.", "system":false, "canAddVehicle": true, "canEditVehicle": true, "canDeleteVehicle": false, "canAddTrailer": true, "canEditTrailer": true, "canDeleteTrailer": false, "aobrdSpeedThresholdEnabled": false, "cycleChangeAllowed": true, "carrierId": 1, "driverEditingEnabled": true, "enabledFeatures": [ "ELD", "DVIR" ], "offSbPairingMode": "PAIRING_DISABLED", "cargoChangeAllowed": false, "pcMaxDistanceUSA": 0, "driverPortalClockAllowed": false, "id": 1252160, "lastChangedDate": "2018-06-11T12:00:00.000Z" } ] |
API PATH: | /api/v2/drivers |
[ { "active": true, "alias": "Driver-01", "cargo": "PROPERTY", "carrierId": 1, "cdlIssuingState": "AR", "cdlNumber": "CDL12345", "cycleCa": "Can70hr7daysSouth", "cycleUsa": "US70hr8days", "cycleMex": "Mexico", "email": "", "exemptAnnotation": null, "exemptDriver": false, "firstName": "John", "homeTerminalId": 110, "subsetId": 111, "isAssetAdmin": true, "lastName": "Doe", "manageEquipment": true, "recipient": "", "region": "USA", "showPersonalConveyance": true, "showYardMoves": true, "startTimeOfDay": "00:00:00.000", "subsetId": 940, "suffix": "Jr.", "system":false, "canAddVehicle": true, "canEditVehicle": true, "canDeleteVehicle": false, "canAddTrailer": true, "canEditTrailer": true, "canDeleteTrailer": false, "enabledFeatures": [ "ELD", "DVIR" ], "id": 1252160 } ] |
[ { "active": true, "alias": "Driver-01", "cargo": "PROPERTY", "carrierId": 1, "cdlIssuingState": "AR", "cdlNumber": "CDL12345", "cycleCa": "Can70hr7daysSouth", "cycleUsa": "US70hr8days", "cycleMex": "Mexico", "email": "", "exemptAnnotation": null, "exemptDriver": false, "firstName": "John", "homeTerminalId": 110, "subsetId": 111, "isAssetAdmin": true, "lastName": "Doe", "manageEquipment": true, "recipient": "", "region": "USA", "showPersonalConveyance": true, "showYardMoves": true, "startTimeOfDay": "00:00:00.000", "subsetId": 940, "suffix": "Jr.", "system":false, "canAddVehicle": true, "canEditVehicle": true, "canDeleteVehicle": false, "canAddTrailer": true, "canEditTrailer": true, "canDeleteTrailer": false, "aobrdSpeedThresholdEnabled": false, "cycleChangeAllowed": true, "carrierId": 1, "driverEditingEnabled": true, "enabledFeatures": [ "ELD", "DVIR" ], "offSbPairingMode": "PAIRING_DISABLED", "cargoChangeAllowed": false, "pcMaxDistanceUSA": 0, "driverPortalClockAllowed": false, "id": 1252160, "lastChangedDate": "2018-06-11T12:00:00.000Z" } ] |
API PATH: | /api/v2/drivers/<id> |
Delete for the Drivers API is implemented using a soft-delete. This prevents SQL’s Cascade Delete from deleting any driving records associated with a deleted Driver. The soft-deleted record remains in the database. Eventually, following the motor carrier’s data retention policy, the soft-delete will become a hard-delete.
API error calls
Entities should not contain an Id when creating. | 500 | 11000 | POST error because request must not contain an id |
Driver with email <email> already exists | 500 | 1001 | POST error because of email address is already used by a user in the system. |
No password set for this driver | 500 | 7000 | POST error because there is no password in the request |
CDL Number is already associated with another driver. | 500 | 1004 | POST or PUT error because CDL number is already used by a user in the system. |
A ROLE_DRIVER must have a HOS_CDL_NUMBER | 500 | 1005 | POST or PUT error because there is no cdlIssuingNumber in the request. |
A ROLE_DRIVER must have a HOS_CDL_ISSUING_STATE | 500 | 1005 | POST or PUT error because there is no cdlIssuingState in the request. |
Unable to save record | 500 | 500 | POST or PUT error because required fields are missing or incorrect |
Driver with ID <id> does not exist. | 500 | 4000 | PUT error because id doesn’t exist in the account. |
Cannot edit system user | 500 | 1001 | PUT method is not allowed for the Unidentified Driver |
Cannot delete system user | 500 | 1001 | DELETE method is not allowed on the Unidentified Driver |
Access Denied. User is not authorized for this request. | 403 | 8000 | POST, PUT and DELETE methods require permission of PERM_EDIT_DRIVERS |
Error while handling request | 500 | 500 | Generic error message. Something is wrong with the request |