
A Form is used in inspections to provide a template or structure that defines what the user is to inspect and what fields to fill in. A Form represents a Category in an inspection. Each Form is broken down into Areas and Items to be inspected. Each item has a data type which defines the type of information the inspector is to supply (e.g. pass/fail, numeric, text, etc).


Tag Data Type Description
accountId Integer Information for corresponding ‘account’ record associated with the asset.
fields Array A collection of fields included in the form. 
id Auto-incremented integer Unique Identifier. 
imageName Text (unlimited) Information for the image associated with the form.
isParent Boolean Information whether the form is a parent form.
lastChangedDate Text Auto-generated timestamp of the last change made to this record
Format is in timestamp and timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ, e.g: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)
media Integer Collection of information for the image associated to this form.
name Text (unlimited) The name of the the form. 



API error calls

POST is not supported. POST method is not allowed
PUT is not supported. PUT method is not allowed
DELETE is not supported. DELETE method is not allowed